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  • Gold loan - Agriculture Above Rs 25 lakhs

Purpose of Gold Loan

  • The farmers, engaged in agriculture, cultivating own and /or leased land or engaged in cultivation of crops.
  • Farmers in allied activities like dairy, poultry, fisheries, piggery, sheep rearing etc.
  • Entrepreneurs and farmers who need investment credit for acquiring farm machinery, undertaking land development, irrigation, horticulture, transportation of agriculture produce etc.
  • All other farming activities which are permitted to be classified under agriculture as per RBI/GOI/NABARD guidelines.


  • All farmers: individuals who are owner cultivators, Agri entrepreneurs
  • Tenant farmers, oral lessees and sharecroppers.
  • Any person engaged in any agriculture or allied activities and wants to repay loans availed from non-institutional lenders as well as persons engaged in activities permitted by RBI to be classified under agriculture. A self-declaration has to be obtained from the applicant that he/she is engaged in Agri and allied activities and that the loan availed Against the pledge of gold ornaments is for repayment of higher interest rate loans availed from non-institutional lenders.

Assessment of Loan Amount

  • A. Loan amount requested by Applicant/assessed amount on declaration;
  • OR

  • B. 75% of the appraised value of Gold Ornaments of 22 Karat fineness (65% of the appraised value of Hall mark Gold ornaments of below 22 Karat up to 20 Karat fineness applicable to 7 designated zones i.e., Chandigarh, Delhi, Lucknow, Ranchi, Varanasi, Bhopal and Jaipur)
  • OR

  • c. Amount eligible based on the per gram advance rate fixed by the bank for 22 Karat fineness (daily Price data and the Quantum of Gold Loan/per gm to be taken from link created in UBINET).
  • OR

  • D. Loan amount assessed based on Credit requirements like Agriculture, Allied activities, Agriculture infrastructure and ancillary activities as the case may be.

Eligible loan amount: A/B/C/D -WHICHEVER IS LOWER


  • Specially minted gold coins sold by any Bank (24 Karat fineness) up to 50 grams shall be treated as gold ornaments (22 karat fineness) for loan assessment purpose.
  • If gold ornaments are of Hall mark 22 Karat fineness additional advance of Rs.50 per gram can be given under this scheme.

Quantum of Loan amount

  • Min- Above Rs 25.00 lakhs
  • Max- Rs 50.00 lakhs
  • Maximum number of loans to a single borrower under branch delegation:-5

    For above 5 loans to a single borrower, RO permission to be taken


  • 25%


  • Maximum Tenure-12 Months.
  • Bullet payment or in part payments but the loan must be repaid within 12 months along with accrued interest thereon.

Appraisal charges:

  • Rs 750/- per case +GST

Rate of Interest

  • For 22 karat: 1 Year MCLR + 0.10%

#Subject to revision from time to time.

Processing charges

  • Rs 500 + GST

#Subject to revision from time to time


  • Principal repayment schedules may be fixed at monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly installment or bullet repayment depending on income generation and/or seasonality.
  • For Agricultural Gold Loan, repayment of loan should coincide with harvesting/marketing of crops. As regard to agricultural gold loan for agricultural and allied agricultural activities such as dairy, fishery, piggery, poultry, bee-keeping, etc., Branches should take into consideration due dates fixed on the basis of fluidity with borrowers and harvesting/marketing season while charging interest and compounding the same if the loan/installment becomes overdue.
  • For demand loans, repayment period should be fixed based on the income generation coinciding with harvest and the marketing time, total period not exceeding 18 months.
  • For term loan, the repayment period of the loan should be fixed in time with the term loan purposes but not exceeding 3 years.
  • White fixing repayment schedule, Branches may ensure that anticipated exposure on due date along with interest accrued/other charges do not exceed the present value of pledged Ornaments/Coins