Strategic Priorities

In light of the evolving banking landscape, Union Bank of India remains steadfast in its commitment to pioneering digital excellence while catalysing India’s march towards sustainable growth. The sweeping trend of mass digitalization and technology-driven disruption continues to reshape our strategic priorities, ensuring we remain agile in the face of these transitions.

As champions of sustainability, we recognize the urgency of mitigating climate change impacts. This awareness is at the core of our quest to decarbonize the economy and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, a journey that demands significant behavioural changes and large-scale deployment of non-carbon technologies across sectors.

Underpinning our strategic agenda is our mission, “Committed to Sustainability, Driven by Digital Prowess.” Our ambition is to harness technological innovation and digital prowess to create an age of opportunity for everyone. Our focus is to ensure that our customers have access to a range of products, advice, and solutions that empower them to make informed financial decisions and fulfil their life and business aspirations.

Our strategy is guided by eight key priorities:

Union Bank of India leverages digital innovation for sustainable growth. We’re driving towards net-zero emissions by 2050 while empowering customers with digitized, informed financial decisions.

To track our progress, we have identified a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which monitor both financial and non-financial aspects. These strategic KPIs, aligned with our commitment to sustainability and digital prowess, guide our decision-making processes, from planning and budgeting to resource allocation, investment prioritization, and performance-based remuneration. Below is a tabular representation that connects our strategic priorities with the respective United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs); Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards: